Saft Power Systems

Saft Power Systems

I have a Hyster electric fork lift. The Battery charger that came with it is a RU manufacturer Model number 1-24012-04. It didn't charge one battery, therefore the useable time was not good enough.
I found a battery charger-Saft Power Systems Model MP750-1225G. Installed it and it seems to discharge three batteries very quickly. Is there something that I can do or does this battery charger not work in my fork lift.
Any help would be appreciated.If this charger won't work then the
next question, how much do you charge to get my original batter charger fixed?
If you need your unit evaluated or repaired then give us a call.
We offer fair estimates and offer extended warranties.

Shipping/Receiving Less than < 75lbs
Industrial Board Repair
745 Cinema Court Suite 201
Kernersville, NC 27284

Phone: (336) 310-4172
We repair industrial electronic devices

If you have an industrial electronic device that needs repair,
Feel free to contact us!
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