
Emerson-Rittenhouse Doorbell

I have a very old Emerson doorbell model #C8203 and it works perfectly. Under the plastic housing cover there are three marked screws ~ Front, Trans & Rear. Front screw holds the white wire, Trans screw holds the red wire and currently there's nothing under the Rear screw. **I want to extend this doorbell. To extend it would I pigtail another red wire under the Trans screw and a new white wire under the Rear screw... running the red to trans screw & the new white wire to Rear screw on the new (2nd) doorbell using the same size wire that's currently being used?
If it helps to know I'm wanting to install the new 2nd doorbell only about 12ft away from my original doorbell (running it straight up to a second floor).

Thanks for any help you're able to lend.


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