Dekolink Wireless LTD.

Dekolink Wireless LTD.

We have three DeKolink wirless 800/900 Compact BDA repeaters/recievers (Models: MW-CBDA-SMR800-900-1W65) for our nextels, located in three seperate buildings of cours. Well our second building located in the middle of our complex seems to be dropping calls all the time so unsure if it is the dekolink system or what. Would like to get assistance on who I can get to come out to inspect it to make sure they are working properly or figure out the issue.

Thank you,

If you need your unit evaluated or repaired then give us a call.
We offer fair estimates and offer extended warranties.

Shipping/Receiving Less than < 75lbs
Industrial Board Repair
745 Cinema Court Suite 201
Kernersville, NC 27284

Phone: (336) 310-4172
We repair industrial electronic devices

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Feel free to contact us!
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