
Creonics Inc.

Hello, I am wondering if you can offer technical support for a Creonics 128K/CXNC/LF

Here is the issue.
1. "Battery to Low" and then "checksum error" appears on the screen. I believe that this is a bios or merory back up battery. Whoever, after a fast look inside I didn't locate any battery.

2. Here it comes the serious problem. While the cnc is running and performs a cut job, sometimes goes out of the path with an unexpected direction. Streight vertical, horizondal or diagonal direction. The plasma cutter also remains ON during this fault. As a result, destroys the sheet. Also "Servo fault" message appears other the screen

Need to mention that plasma cutter has been replaced with a brand new one different brand. The issue above it happened with the old cutter and still happens with the new one

Waiting for your response
Thank you in advance
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