Baler Control

Baler Control

I have a JD 467 baler and the monitor works perfect for 40 to 50 rolls and then something seems to heat up in the monitor. The net wrap starts to mess up and won't cut the wrap. Sometime it will let the net start unrolling while baling and fill the bale with wraps of net. You can let it cool off for an hour and it will bale 30 to 40 before it acts up again. It is sending current to net wrap actuator and gets it hot. Dealer has come to the field each of the 3 previous years and gets it to work but it has cooled off I have learned. Every connection in wiring harness has been replaced by the dealership. I bought a new actuator and same results. My question is can you detect the problem on test bench when it takes a couple hours in the field to heat up or whatever makes it malfunction?
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