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Acu-rite pulse scale digital readout

Acu-rite pulse scale digital readout

Acu-rite pulse scale digital readout
Suggested Repair Price CALL

  • Shipping/Receiving Less than < 75lbs
  • Industrial Board Repair
  • 745 Cinema Court Suite 201
  • Kernersville, NC 27284
Phone: (336) 310-4172
We repair & refurbish industrial electronic devices

If you have an industrial electronic device that needs repair,
Feel free to contact us!

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If you need your unit evaluated or repaired then give us a call.
We offer fair estimates and offer extended warranties.

Shipping/Receiving Less than < 75lbs
Industrial Board Repair
745 Cinema Court Suite 201
Kernersville, NC 27284

Phone: (336) 310-4172
We repair industrial electronic devices

If you have an industrial electronic device that needs repair,
Feel free to contact us!
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